Reasons to Hire a Newborn Care Specialist/Overnight Postpartum Doula

I’ve had the honor of supporting parents and their newborn babies since 2014. As a sleep-based Newborn Care Specialist and Certified Postpartum Doula, most of my work happens overnight. Here are some reasons why families have decided to hire me for overnights, in no particular order.

Peace of Mind

I am often the go-to contact person when parents have a question about their new baby. Usually, they just want to know that something is normal and/or they’re doing something right. They don’t want to wait around to talk to their pediatrician, or they feel that their question is not important enough to bother them. I am more than happy to be available to my clients so they can text me with a question. If the topic is out of my scope, I will advise them to reach out to their pediatrician.

Parents also get peace of mind when they know that I am “on duty” with their baby, as they don’t have to be hyper alert all night.


As a Newborn Care Specialist and Certified Infant & Child Sleep Consultant, I am well-versed in all things newborn, having spent extensive time with dozens of babies. Do you want to know how to swaddle your baby with a swaddle blanket so that their arms don’t escape out? Do you want to know how to set up a sleep-conducive environment that promotes sleep? I’m your gal! I am also very experienced with sleep shaping - both in-person, and coaching families through it. One of the main reasons why clients hire me is because they want to set up a good sleep foundation for their newborn from the very beginning, to prevent the need for sleep training later on.


Hiring a Newborn Care Specialist/Postpartum Doula means parents have a lot more (if not, complete) support with their newborn overnight. Even if a mom is breastfeeding and/or pumping, not having to change, burp, soothe the baby, and wash bottles and breast pump parts throughout the night means they have more time to focus on their rest and recovery.

Emotional Support

Sometimes you just need someone who is outside of your family/social circle to talk to. Being a new parent can be isolating, and it’s comforting to have someone who has been there, to be a listening ear and connect with, and ask questions to. With some clients, I have spent hours chatting with them on my shift. On many occasions, I have been told that our talks are like therapy sessions.


Having spent extensive time with numerous newborn babies and having the interest to keep up with up-to-date research, I have well-rounded knowledge of newborns and newborn-related topics, such as milestones, tethered oral ties (TOTs), circumcision care, lactation, infant hygiene, unsafe sleep products, etc. I am happy to share with my clients what I know from research, and from my own experience.


I have had a few clients who had epilepsy, or a history of postpartum depression, who were advised to seek postpartum support so they can focus on their own health. Having support and adequate rest is vital for all, but especially for those who need it for medical and/or mental health reasons.

Setting Healthy Boundaries with Family Members

Though not common, I have had a couple of clients hire me to help set some healthy boundaries with family members (among other reasons). Some clients are aware, even before their baby’s arrival, that their own family would feel too comfortable inserting their opinions about how the baby should be raised, often with antiquated beliefs and practices. For some, it feels empowering to mention to their family members, “We are hiring Kasumi for her experience and expertise, and we would like our parenting decisions respected.” I have been asked to explain to family members why I operate the way that I do, and back it up with evidence-based research. Family members are usually more accepting of information when it comes from me, than the baby’s parents.

Product Recommendations

Most parents these days are very well-informed on the latest baby products and gadgets. However, they may not be aware that some products go against safe sleep guidelines, or that one type of diaper rash cream is better at combating diaper rash than another. Having used many different products in many different households over the course of my career, I have my experiences and opinions that I am happy to share.


Through supporting dozens of local families, I have established a list of local providers that my clients have liked and disliked working with. Whether you’re in need of an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) that does home visits, a pediatric physical therapist, a yoga studio that offers postpartum yoga classes, etc., I will probably know a provider I can refer you to!

Every family has their own reasons for hiring a postpartum provider. These are some of the reasons my clients have decided to work with me.


What is Sleep Shaping?


The Best Swaddles for Newborns