What is Sleep Shaping?
Sleep shaping, sometimes referred to as sleep conditioning, is the process of establishing healthy and independent sleep habits from the very beginning. It is a very hands-on, gentle, and gradual process of teaching a baby to fall asleep and back to sleep independently, and sleep 10-12 hours at night in the first 10-14 weeks of their life.
Sleep shaping is different from sleep training in that it is implemented in the first days and weeks of a baby’s life, as opposed to months and years later. Another way they are different is that sleep training teaches an infant/child a new way to sleep, whereas with sleep shaping, that’s really all the baby knows. As a Newborn Care Specialist, I have honed this skill of sleep shaping over the years, and it is one of the biggest reasons why my clients decide to work with me.
Sleep shaping is a very crucial aspect of the support I provide to my clients. Because it is a gradual process, the benefits of laying down a healthy and positive sleep foundation can be experienced more and more each week. It also eliminates the need for sleep training later on because the baby already has the skill and confidence needed to be an excellent sleeper. I also take pride in the fact that when I am done with an overnight contract, my clients are left with a baby who is already sleeping through the night, or is well on their way there.
In my experience, here are the prerequisites to a sleep shaping success story:
1 - A baby who is reaching their developmental milestones
2 - A baby with no medical issues that could affect sleep
3 - Parents (and their caregivers) who want to work with me as a team in getting their baby sleeping well. After all, even if I am supporting the family 10 hours per night for 5 nights a week, the majority of the baby’s time is being spent with their parents/caregivers. What happens during the day matters!